Wife Returns Her Husband To Jail After Just Two Hours

A wife in Colorado marched her husband back to jail after he took advantage of an identity mix-up and walked out.
Mesa County Jail reportedly failed to check the wristband of James Rynerson, who was mistaken for another inmate awaiting release.
According to the MailOnline, Rynerson collected the other man's paperwork, debit card and leather jacket before forging his signature and walking free. Sounds like a good plan - until he told his wife that is.
Local media report that the 38-year-old was being held in custody in late May on menacing, disorderly conduct and trespassing charges.
Another fellow inmate, Marvin March, had temporarily moved into Rynerson's cell while his own cell was under construction.
March, 35, later moved back to his original cell but the jail records didn't immediately make note of the changes. When March was called for release they went into Rynerson's cell and he came out.
When Rynerson was going through the process of being released, neither the deputy nor booking technician who processed the papers checked his wristband with the name on the documents. All his luck had come at once, he presumably thought.
Nope, can't see anything likely to go wrong here.
Staff at the prison realised their error when March approached a deputy and asked him when he would be released. Ohhhhhh shit. They would have had some explaining to do for sure.
Then it came to Rynerson's wife, who was shocked to find her husband in the garage of the apartment complex she lives in.
Once he explained to her how he'd left jail she drove him straight back to the facility - meaning he was out for less than two hours. Unlucky, mate.
Rynerson is now facing a number of new charges including escape, forgery, criminal impersonation and theft. All that added extra for two hours of freedom.
Last year, Francisco Herrera Argueta, 55, tried to escape from a maximum-security prison in the Honduras by dressing as a woman. He was definitely thinking outside the box, something Rynerson didn't even have to do.
Argueta was busted by guards who noticed that he was 'walking funny' and 'speaking in a man's voice'.
He dressed as a lady, donning a long skirt, blond wig, low cut top, fake breasts and shades. He aimed to leave the prison with other inmates' families after visiting hours.
He planned to pretend he was a female visitor to the jail who had previously left her ID card with the guards on Sunday: Jacinta Elvira Araujo. 10 out of 10 for effort, I suppose.
